Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Gooseberries, By Anton Chekhov (1898)

 Gooseberries, By Anton Chekhov (1898)

Yuna Song

Rating: 8/10

Gooseberries, by Anton Chekhov, made me think about 'what' is happiness, and 'how' I should achieve happiness. 

I also have a similar view of happiness to Ivan. I have a goal of sharing my happiness with others and helping people in need. However, since happiness is such an abstract concept, I thought that the 'what' and 'how' of happiness that each people should have shouldn't be forced on others. 

➤ 'Gooseberries'

Ivan also seemed to be a contradictory and irresponsible character throughout the story. Firstly, Ivan emphasizes people to always keep their happiness in check, however, Ivan himself swimming in a pond in the rain actually seemed not to be suspicious about happiness at all. Moreover, Ivan laments his old age and asks Aliokin for efforts from young and capable people. However, no matter how old people are, I believe that there should be at least some part that each person can try to help for the happiness of others.

Overall, this book gave me a similar impression to "The Student." The details and symbols that I couldn't get on my first try were found after reading this about four times, and those made me feel satisfied with this book. (198 words)


  1. Glad you wrote something - but yeah this is in Korean. Maybe a final version coming?

  2. Good work. Reading Chekhov over and over again is rewarding, and the key is to understand that he simply wants his reader to think, and not just be told.


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